Registration is open for our Spring Nurture Retreat this May 3rd – 5th! 



Love Letters to Creative Kindreds #2 – Laura Fraser

Dear Laura, In order for you to fully grasp the meaningfulness of your Nurture Self Care Starter Kit contribution, we will need a time machine so I will type the following at 88 miles per hour and see if it works. INSERT: weird ‘nyeer-nyeer’ noises, an explosion, me putting Huey Lewis and the News’ “Power of Love” on YouTube. It […]


Love Letters to Creative Kindreds #1 – Brett Hardy

Dear Brett, I’m taking what I call a Lobster Bath. The kind that’s hot enough to last for a while so I can get the feelings out. The kind where when I get out my skin is so red I debate warming up a big vat of garlic butter. Enya is on in the background and I could give zero […]


When you voice your needs, does it come out muddy?

“That was a really long, roundabout way of saying something so simple. What is it that actually needs to come out?” my friend Steph says as we take our Spring-starved souls on a much-needed walk in sunny High Park. We often exchange what is on our hearts with one another and I have spent the entirety of the dog path dodging […]


Let's stop hiding our magic because we're afraid.

It’s time I admitted something about magic. Something I’ve kept hidden, because I thought maybe I’d be misunderstood (worst feeling ever), or be laughed at, or given the look that even I reserve for things that are just ‘a bit too woo.’ I may lose or ruffle some of you here, but that’s okay. It’s the novel-length response I want […]


For all the girls who got picked last in gym class.

Dear Nurturers, I get the ideas for these posts in some strange and wonderful places. This week’s post came to me as I was in mid-air! “How was it?” he asked. “Incredible!” I said, panting; flushed. I couldn’t wipe the goofy grin off my face and I wanted to dance around with joy, but the cushioned floor would have had […]